The Beginning
Florida Atlantic University College of Social and Design Inquiries, my Alma Mater, the backbone of where I stand today educationally. This is where I knew the sky was the limit and I could achieve whatever I set my mind to. Our curriculum at FAU, with access to a variety of software, gave us the students the opportunity to explore new technology. In this image we took a virtual tour with 3D glasses through a project located in San Juan Puerto Rico. I had the opportunity to develop leadership skills while at FAU earning me the 2013 Alpha Ro Chi leadership medal. After graduating with my professional degree in Architecture, I knew I was on a path that I could pave myself (literally). From that moment I knew to use every opportunity in front of me as a chance to shine, you can too! We succeed only as a great team. Build you team with hard working, ingenuitive, and most of all heartfelt designers.
Yours Truly-